It also promises the most and has much more ambition for vehicles. its in a pre-alpha state right now, but it should be coming out some time this month.
We also offer to teach anyone who may be brand new to Arma 3 or Milsim units in general. dude i cant find anywhere to download arma 3 i just want the game cuz i seen ur vids and all i love star wars and i was wondering would arma run on my laptop Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes. It has a discord, which i can also get to you later on. This is a server for the popular game mode in ARMA 3, King of The Hill. It is on steam, but it is unlisted atm, it goes by TCW.
The last and probably newest mod is The Clone Wars. It has great models, textures and gameplay. But i really don’t recommend using this one as a base mod, the armor and weapons are horrendous compared to the other 2.Īnother is Legion Base, which is imo a fantastic mod, but atm, it doesnt have any near as much as SWOP. Most units use it for assets and vehicles, but its not on steam, i don’t have the link right now but i could find it by tomorrow. Theres a few out there right now, the main one everyone uses is Star Wars Opposition, it has a ton of content but poorly optimized.